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Fairway to Hell: A Hacker's Return to a Ruinous Sport by Carl Hiaasen is a sports memoir with elements of humor and satire. In this book, Hiaasen, known for his sharp wit and comedic writing, chronicles his return to the frustrating world of golf. With self-deprecating humor, he shares his experiences of struggling with the sport, reflecting on its absurdities, his own shortcomings, and the quirks of fellow golfers. The book is not a traditional sports guide but rather an amusing, personal take on the love-hate relationship many have with golf. Fans of Hiaasen’s witty storytelling and those who appreciate humorous sports writing will enjoy this lighthearted yet insightful read. Hardcover :...Xem thêm
CÔNG TY TNHH OREKA VIỆT NAM,Địa chỉ:Số nhà B2.25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Hàm Nghi, P. Cầu Diễn, Q. Nam Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội,Điện thoại:090.4433.126
MSDN: 0109460213,Nơi cấp: Phòng Đăng Ký Kinh Doanh - Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư Hà Nội - Ngày cấp: 17/12/2020