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1. A History Of Vietnam In Pictures (In Colour) - The Victorious Pampas King Dương Tam Kha’s usurpation of the Ngô fuelled widespread riots throughout the land. The notorious Riot of the Twelve Rebellious Warlords went on for more than 20 years (994-968). It only ended when Đinh Bộ Lĩnh unified the country and founded Đại Cồ Việt- the first absolute monarchy in the history of Việt Nam. Đinh Bộ Lĩnh’s beginning was humble- a buffalo boy in the countryside. This buffalo boy grew up to be the hero who brought peace with his outstanding talent and wisdom. In the year Mậu Thìn (968), Đinh Bộ Lĩnh became Emperor. His title was Đại Thắng Minh Hoàng Đế (The Great Glorious Victorious Emperor). He g...Xem thêm
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