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Sách tranh Santa's New Beard, Picture Book For Kids, Quà tặng Mori Tình trạng: Used, 90% Giá bìa: £6.99 ~ 226k Mô tả: The big red suit was ironed and ready. The elves had stuffed the final teddy, When from the bathroom came a yelp, 'Ho Ho, oh no! Quick, someone HELP!' When Santa accidentally shaves off his famous beard, the elves all rally round to help. Can they glue it back on? Maybe the answer is whipped cream or candyfloss. Or perhaps it's mashed potato . . . Will they be able to sort him out before Christmas Eve? Things are not looking too good until the littlest elf has a bright idea! Festive and fun, this is destined to become a seasonal favourite. GV6-PB-P009
Số nhà B2.25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Hàm Nghi, P. Cầu Diễn, Q. Nam Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội