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Bộ truyện gồm 50 cuốn: Peppa Plays Basketball, Ballet Lessons, The Fancy Dress Party, Horsey Twinkle Toes, Mr Foxs Shop, The Naughty Tortoise, Pedros Pirate Treasure, The Rainbow, The Train Ride, The Wishing Well, The Toy Cupboard, A Trip to the Moon, Daddy Pigs Office, Dentist Trip, Peppa Pigs Family Computer, Peppas First Glasses, Bicycle race, Fun at the Fair, George and the noisy Baby, George catches a Cold, Georges first day at Playgroup, Georges Balloon, Georges new Dinosaur, Grampy Rabbit in Space, Cold Winter day, Miss Rabbits Day off, Garden Games, Nature Trail, Daddy Pigs old Chair, Peppa goes Camping, Peppa goes Boating, Peppa goes on Holiday, Pepp...Xem thêm
CÔNG TY TNHH OREKA VIỆT NAM,Địa chỉ:Số nhà B2.25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Hàm Nghi, P. Cầu Diễn, Q. Nam Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội,Điện thoại:090.4433.126
MSDN: 0109460213,Nơi cấp: Phòng Đăng Ký Kinh Doanh - Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư Hà Nội - Ngày cấp: 17/12/2020