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Thời gian giao hàng dự kiến: 5 đến 12 ngày
Nhận sản phẩm như mô tả. Hoặc nhận tiền hoàn. Thông tin thẻ của bạn được bảo mật và không được chia sẻ với người bán.
This is the English version of "Búp bê nhỏ xíu và chàng khổng lồ" of Dương Thụy, the author who has used her experiences to write a number of novels in which she has weaved both the western and the eastern cultures into works of art."France, for me, was not a simple country to visit. It was a place that always emotionally touched me whenever I returned, for I was able to speak the language I had learned during my childhood years, and to hug the dear French people who saw me as a family member. I had a love for France which I could not describe. I only knew that there was an invisible cord connecting my heart to that beautiful land. And, of course, the French people I've known for decades hav...Xem thêm
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