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Sách ngoại văn Joy At Work: Organizing Your Professional Life Tình trạng: dơ bìa như hình, giấy xốp nhẹ, lõi còn mới Hình thức: Bìa cứng Giá bìa: 461k Declutter your desk and brighten up your business with this transformative guide from an organizational psychologist and the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The workplace is a magnet for clutter and mess. Who hasn't felt drained by wasteful meetings, disorganized papers, endless emails, and unnecessary tasks? These are the modern-day hazards of working, and they can slowly drain the joy from work, limit our chances of career progress, and undermine our well-being. Using the world-renowned KonMari ...Xem thêm
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