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PIVOT: The only move that matters is your next one, sách ngoại văn kinh tế Tình trạng: Tổng thể sách mới, hơi cong mép trên Giá bìa: 309k Nội dung: It's always the right time to think about your next move. In today's economy the average job tenure is only four years, and falling. Roles change constantly. Even smart, motivated people hit professional plateaus. 'What's next?' is a question we all have to answer more frequently. But how do you advance without getting stuck? In Pivot, Jenny Blake, co-creator of Google's Career Guru Programme, shows you how to build upon your assets - your strengths, interests and networks - to launch a new career with meaning and adventure. You will learn how to...Xem thêm
CÔNG TY TNHH OREKA VIỆT NAM,Địa chỉ:Số nhà B2.25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Hàm Nghi, P. Cầu Diễn, Q. Nam Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội,Điện thoại:090.4433.126
MSDN: 0109460213,Nơi cấp: Phòng Đăng Ký Kinh Doanh - Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư Hà Nội - Ngày cấp: 17/12/2020