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Ancient Egypt: Civilizations of the Nile Valley - From Farmers to Pharaohs by Parragon Books offers a fascinating journey into one of the most iconic civilizations in history. This richly illustrated book explores the lives of ancient Egyptians, from their humble beginnings as farmers along the Nile to their rise as a powerful empire ruled by pharaohs. It delves into their culture, religion, architecture, and daily life, providing readers with a vivid understanding of this extraordinary civilization. Perfect for history enthusiasts or anyone captivated by the mysteries of ancient Egypt.
CÔNG TY TNHH OREKA VIỆT NAM,Địa chỉ:Số nhà B2.25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Hàm Nghi, P. Cầu Diễn, Q. Nam Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội,Điện thoại:090.4433.126
MSDN: 0109460213,Nơi cấp: Phòng Đăng Ký Kinh Doanh - Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư Hà Nội - Ngày cấp: 17/12/2020