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Us The Booker Prize-longlisted Novel from the Author of ONE DAY David Nicholls


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ConditionUsed - Good
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Size18 x 25 x 5 cm

Product description

***Out now: David Nicholls's new novel YOU ARE HERE*** THE BOOKER PRIZE-LONGLISTED NOVEL BY BELOVED BESTSELLER DAVID NICHOLLS A brilliant, bittersweet novel about love and family, husbands and wives, parents and children 'Perfect' INDEPENDENT 'I honestly can't imagine loving a novel much more' SUNDAY TIMES 'Funny and sweet - a lovely, lovely book' GRAHAM NORTON 'A sad, funny, soulful joy' OBSERVER 'I loved this book. Funny, sad, tender: for anyone who wants to know what happens after the Happy Ever After' JOJO MOYES Douglas and Connie - scientist and artist, husband and wife - live a quiet and quietly unremarkable life in the suburbs of London. Until, suddenly, after more than twenty ye...Read more


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