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In Stiff, Mary Roach takes a fascinating and often humorous look at what happens to human bodies after death. From medical research to forensics, Roach explores how cadavers are used in various fields, providing an entertaining and informative exploration of death and the science behind it. Through a mix of history, humor, and scientific insights, Stiff offers an unconventional and thought-provoking perspective on human mortality.Paperback : 303 pages Item Weight : 500g Condition : Good The book is available at 205 Tran Huy Lieu, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan, HCMC. Open from 9am to 8:30pm. Customer Notice for Purchasing Books on Our Website: • When selecting books on our website, please carefully ...Read more
B2-25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Ham Nghi, Cau Dien Ward, Nam Từ Liêm District, Hanoi, Vietnam