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Mèo bán sách ngoại văn cũ 🫶🏻 mua sách tại ig: tiemsachconmeo [Bìa cứng] French Kitty in Kitty Goes to Paris (Giá bìa $12.99) Khổ 25*15cm, 48 trang, giấy in màu phủ lụa • Publisher: Abrams • Author: Fine • Language: English Fashionable New York City cat, French Kitty flies to Paris in search of the perfect hat! Immersing herself in French culture, cuisine and haute couture, Kitty's campy but impeccable style, joie de vivre and adventure should inspire and delight her fans. Source: Publisher
B2-25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Ham Nghi, Cau Dien Ward, Nam Từ Liêm District, Hanoi, Vietnam