Oreka - For a greener earth!
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With a focus on 100 of the most fascinating cultural metropolises in the world, this vivid guide provides both beautiful photography and rich, descriptive histories of our greatest cities. Stories of each city's founding, architecture, famous citizens, and major events accompany each large-format spread. From Istanbul to Miami, experience the diversity of the world's urban centers from the comfort of your own home. This coffee table book makes a great gift and an excellent reference guide for anyone interested in geography, history, and culture. Sách còn tốt 240 trang, bìa cứng Dimensions: 9.25 x 1 x 11.25 inches
B2-25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Ham Nghi, Cau Dien Ward, Nam Từ Liêm District, Hanoi, Vietnam