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Emperor Lý Thái Tổ laid the foundation for the Lý Dynasty. His grandson Emperor Lý Thánh Tông brought about the greatest achievements of this dynasty. At his coronation Emperor Lý Thánh Tông renamed the country Đại Việt. This name was used for the next 750 years throughout the Lý, Trần, Lê, Mạc and Tây Sơn dynasties. Like his father and grandfather, Lý Thánh Tông was an exceptional man, excelling in both academia and martial arts. Lý was known for being a kind and just ruler in the history of Việt Nam. He led by example and was well loved by his people. His reign was relatively peaceful. The country was respected by the northern neighbour and feared by the southern one. Lý Thánh Tông was ...Read more
B2-25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Ham Nghi, Cau Dien Ward, Nam Từ Liêm District, Hanoi, Vietnam