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What is special about this book? The content of this book is designed around six topic areas which most frequently appear in the TOEIC test: office, cultural events, personnel, general business, general travel, and dining out. In every chapter, you will find contextualized essential vocabulary coupled with class activities to build up and consolidate the listening and reading skills. The sequence of “Warm-up”, “Vocabulary”, “Listening”, “Speaking”, “Grammar”, “Reading” and “Writing” is maintained throughout the six chapters of the book. Semi-actual TOEIC tests: After every 3 chapters there will be a semi-actual TOEIC test which includes six parts: Question and Response, Conversations, Sho...Read more
B2-25 Vinhomes Gardenia, Ham Nghi, Cau Dien Ward, Nam Từ Liêm District, Hanoi, Vietnam